General Rules Of The School

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  • General Rules Of The School
  1. Every student should carry with him/her the school diary daily. If a student loses his diary, he/she shall be subjected to disciplinary action. A fine of Rs 50/- will be levied and a new diary will have to be purchased with necessary remarks about the loss.
  2. As long as a student is on the School Rolls, he/she must come to school in proper school uniform.
  3. Students must wear school uniform on all school days and on all school functions. Students are expected to come to school in freshly laundered uniform with clean socks and well-polished shoes daily. Any student who comes to school in a slovenly condition will be sent home.
  4. Students of class XII are strictly prohibited from scribbling on each other’s' school uniform shirts on their last working day.
  5. All the students must be in their seats before the teacher enters the classroom. During the absence of a teacher, the monitor of the class who is responsible for maintaining discipline, must be obeyed.
  6. Students should take care of the school property. They should not write or scratch on desks, chairs, walls or doors of the school nor should they damage property belonging to others. Any damage done to the school property will have to be remitted by the offender. The offender will have to remit the cost of the damaged/broken property and pay a fine of Rs. 1000/- for the first time. The second time, he/she will be charged double the cost of the damaged/broken property and pay a fine of Rs. 2000/-. The third time, the offender will be rusticated. Moreover, anyone who notices any sort of damage caused to the school property is expected to report the matter.
  7. Students who are suspended for any disciplinary reasons are immediately removed from any responsible post held by them & are not allowed to represent school for any activity.
  8. School is not responsible for any goods or money lost. Money should not be lent or borrowed or articles exchanged.
  9. A student who uses unfair means during tests or exams will be given a zero in the subject and a warning letter. Repetition of the same will result in dismissal. Any student who is found tampering with marks in the Report Card and/or other school certificates will be asked to leave the school. These students will not be eligible for any award.
  10. Students and parents should not offer any present or gift to the teachers.
  11. Students are not expected to go to their friends' houses for birthday parties, etc. directly from the school. They may go for such parties from their homes with the permission of their parents.
  12. Throwing birthday parties in school or distributing gifts is not permitted. Students are also not allowed to come to school in casual dress on birthdays.
  13. Students are not allowed to use the school telephone without the permission of the Principal nor will they be allowed to answer telephone calls during the school hours.
  14. Students are permitted to ride only bicycles to school. Bicycles must be kept locked in the cycle stand. School will not be responsible for any loss. No other vehicles, such as scooters, motorcycles, cars, etc are allowed.
  15. Students are forbidden to bring crackers, explosives or any other unsafe material to school. Bursting crackers or throwing colours on one another or painting faces within the school premises will lead to expulsion of the student from the school.
  16. Electronic calculators and other such electronic gadgets should not be brought to school. Stringent action will be taken against those found in possession of any of these articles.
  17. Mobile phones and cameras are strictly prohibited in school. The same will be confiscated and the student will be suspended with immediate effect for 15 working days at the first instance and expelled from school at the second instance.
  18. Students are not allowed to wear ornaments. Girl students are not allowed to apply nail polish,  henna or make-up.
  19. It is mandatory for the students to carry a raincoat to school throughout the monsoon season and on rainy/cloudy days. Students must carry only raincoats, as umbrellas are not permitted.
  20. No pupil will leave the school premises without the permission of the Principal / Vice-Principal.
  21. No books, periodicals, pictures or newspapers, except for those allowed by the school shall be brought to school and circulated without the permission of the Principal.
  22. Pupils are responsible for the safe custody of their books and belongings by keeping them neatly labelled or named.
  23. Children are not allowed to buy eatables from vendors outside the school campus.
  24. Pupils are expected to behave in a courteous and gentle manner on all occasions. They should address their teachers and members of the staff with due respect and politeness. Good moral behaviour and gentle ways are expected from every student. They should always remember that the school is judged by their conduct.
  25. As the medium of instruction is English, children should be helped to follow their classes easily and intelligently by a certain amount of regular conversation in a cultured manner in this language at home. In the school campus, students are expected to converse in English with each other.
  26. Children who are ill should not be sent to school to attend classes or take tests.
  27. Students' participation in co-curricular activities of the school is compulsory. Parents are required to give in writing why they seek exemption from co-curricular activities, if they so desire.
  28. Correction fluids/ whiteners are strictly not allowed.
  29. Stationery items, books, notebooks and lunch box have to be brought to school by the student. No item will be accepted at the school counter or gate.
  30. Parents and pupils should comply with the requirements and regulations of the school in letter & spirit.
  31. Pre-School & Pre-Primary Term Result will be handed over to the parents after the end of the respective Term.
  32. The Annual/ Mid-Term/ Pre-Board Examination Results will be handed over to the parents/guardians only.


The following are the acts of misconduct which would initiate a disciplinary action :

  1. Absence from classes without the permission of the Class Teacher/Vice-Principal/Principal.
  2. Misbehaviour towards teachers or any other employee of the school.
  3. Disobeying lawful orders of the Teachers/Vice Principal/Principal.
  4. Creating disturbance while the class is being taught.
  5. Bullying/rowdyism and rude behaviour, in & outside the school.
  6. Eve-teasing/bad behaviour toward girl-students, in & outside the school.
  7. Bringing electronic gadgets/mobile phones to the school.
  8. Indulging in acts of moral turpitude.
  9. Any behaviour unbecoming of a student.
  10. Smoking/chewing gutkha/paan/khaini/vape, etc.
  11. Use of motor vehicles like scooty/moped, etc by the student and bringing these to school.
  12. Use of drugs or intoxicants.
  13. Theft/pilferage of school/students' property.
  14. Disfiguring or otherwise damaging any school property.
  15. Use of violence in any form.
  16. Casteism, communalism or practice of untouchability.
  17. Bringing highlighters, correction fluids/whiteners to school.
  18. Posting objectionable pictures/posts in the Social Media.
  19. Bringing crackers, explosives or any other unsafe materials to school.
  20. Bursting crackers or throwing colours on one another/painting faces. The school follows a zero tolerance policy towards the above acts of misconduct. Principal shall take suitable action at school level depending upon gravity of misconduct, which may include :
    1. Verbal/written warning to the student and parents.
    2. Detention during the recess for completion of neglected class work.
    3. Suspension from attending classes/school for a specified working period.
      1. for 15 working days at the 1st instance
      2. for 30 working days at the 2nd instance
      3. shall be expelled from the school at the third instance.
    4. Recovery of loss through replacement of school property due to willful damage.
    5. Expulsion/rustication from school.

Rules Concerning Absence

  1. Leave of absence is not granted without prior written application from Parent/Guardian except, in case of unforeseen circumstances.
  2. Repeated absence without leave or unexplained absence for more than six working days renders the student liable to have his/her name struck off the rolls. Re-admission will have to be sought.
  3. For leave of absence for more than 6 days, parents must meet the Principal & get the leave granted.
  4. Absence from school during test/examination will never be condoned except in case of illness and will adversely affect the student's grades in the test/examination. Neither re-test nor re-examination will be conducted. No average will be given. Application/ message for leave due to illness should be reported on the same day of the exam/test.
  5. Any student with less than 75% attendance shall not be allowed to appear in the final examination. Medical leave/any other leave will be counted as absence for counting of the attendance for the final examination.
  6. As per the DOE guidelines for classes III to VIII attendance of students will be a criteria for Internal Assessment.
  7. As per CBSE guidelines, a minimum 75% attendance is mandatory for the students of classes IX to XII.
  8. All the students are expected to attend school on the opening day after each of the vacations and the closing day before the vacations. Those absent because of sickness must inform the school before or on the re-opening day and present a valid medical certificate.
  9. Separate leave notes should be submitted if the siblings are in different classes.
  10. A student returning to school after suffering from an infectious or contagious disease should produce a doctor's certificate permitting him/her to attend school, subject to conditions laid down below :-
    The student suffering from the following must observe the prescribed period of quarantine before returning to class:
    • Chicken Pox : 6 days after the disappearance of the crop of vesicles. (preferably altogether.)
    • Mumps : Until swelling of salivary gland has subsided which may take 9 days from the appearance of symptoms.
    • Covid : After getting the Negative Covid RT PCR Test Report.

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